The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis

In order for the treatment of prostatitis to be more effective, along with drug therapy, folk remedies can and should be used as an auxiliary treatment.

An integrated approach involves the use of natural herbal ingredients with medical preparations during intensive care and also as prophylactic agents before or after treatment.

Herbal Treatment: Hazelnut

One of the most effective treatments for prostatitis is the use of hazel.

hazelnut for the treatment of prostatitis

A spoonful of dry collection of leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water. Then this mixture is closed with a lid for half an hour, filtered and taken in equal parts 4 times a day. During the day, you need to use the whole glass of the resulting broth. If the bark was used instead of the leaves, then it is brewed 2 times longer. The positive results of herbal medicine occur after about 7 days of use.

aspen bark

Aspen bark tincture has also proven to be a very effective remedy for prostatitis.

Recipe: collection takes place in April, preferably in the second half of the year. The bark is dried in the air or in the oven, then crushed and poured into a glass jar. The plant is poured with a glass of vodka, the jar is closed with a lid very tightly and placed for 15 days in a dark place. The proportions are as follows: 100 gr. bark, 200 gr. vodka, a half-liter jar is taken. After 14 days, the infusion is filtered. Consume diluted, 20 drops - half a cup of boiled water, before meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Honey treatment

honey for prostatitis

With acute inflammation, it is recommended to squeeze parsley juice, about 20 ml, and add a teaspoon of honey to it, the finer the better. Take morning and evening for a week. A ten-day break is possible, then the course must resume.

Chronic inflammation is treated as follows: the same amount of honey is added to 100 grams of crushed walnut kernels. Take 1 scoop at least once a day.

pumpkin seed

Before use, you need to dry the seeds well and use them raw.

To prevent prostatitis, you should eat 25 grams of seeds daily;

To treat inflammation of the prostate, in addition to seeds, liquid honey is needed.

Recipe: the unroasted seeds are ground into flour and mixed with honey. The mass thickens in the refrigerator, then small balls are formed from it, which are eaten, slowly dissolving, daily for a month.


Pear relieves inflammation, reduces or eliminates pain. Additionally, you can take fresh and dried fruits.

Half a kilogram of dried fruits is soaked in 2 liters of boiled water.

The next day, the compote is boiled over low heat in a tightly closed saucepan. When it cools, the fruits are rubbed with gauze, and the broth is strained. To be consumed without sugar, preferably not on an empty stomach.

pear for the treatment of prostatitis


Propolis is one of the most effective folk remedies for prostatitis. They are treated in this way: dilute 40 drops of tincture (20%) in half a glass of water, take the remedy a few minutes before meals.

Candles for rectal treatment can be prepared from propolis.

Recipe: evaporate propolis in alcohol, mix with cocoa butter and rye flour, form candles to use before bedtime for a month. The proportions are approximately as follows: for a glass of alcohol 40-50 gr. propolis, cocoa butter is taken for example for a mixture of 2 grams, flour for consistency.

bee underpestilence

Podmore is a dead insect and with its help a tincture is made to treat prostatitis.

Would need:

  • 2 tbsp. death spoons;
  • 1/2 liter of vodka;
  • jar with lid.

The components are mixed in a jar covered with a tight lid and placed in a dark place for 20 days. Shake the jar daily. On day 21, strain the mixture.

Initially, 2-3 drops per day are taken, on the fourth day the dose is increased and brought to the number of drops corresponding to the number of years of the patient. For example, if a person is 40 years old, the daily dose is 40 drops twice a day before meals. Processing is carried out within 30 days.


Garlic is a good remedy not only for the prevention of prostatitis (it is enough to take even 1 clove), but also for treatment.

Recipe: tincture of garlic on alcohol. For cooking, you need a few cloves and 0. 5 liters of alcohol. You need to take it only 1 ml, diluted in a spoonful of water, you can use milk.

garlic for prostatitis


Herbs can help cure acute prostatitis, and in chronic cases, they can significantly improve the condition. It should be remembered that herbal treatment will be effective only in the case of an infectious disease of the prostate.

In acute prostatitis, a herbal collection of fennel and juniper fruits in the amount of 1-3. Licorice, parsley, chamomile are added to them, all in one part, poured with lboiling water and infused. You need to take 50 ml in the morning and in the evening.

In the chronic form, the phytocollection looks like this: plantain leaves, bearberry, clubroot. To four parts of each ingredient add 1 part of chamomile. It is brewed with boiling water and consumed half a glass a day an hour before meals.

Gymnastics to strengthen the prostate

For prevention and treatment, it is important to strengthen the internal muscles. Therapeutic exercises for prostatitis play a very important role, they compensate for the lack of oxygen and eliminate stagnation in the pelvic region. But when choosing exercises, you need to start from general well-being and condition.

One of the most effective exercises is considered to retract the rectum for a few seconds (10), then relax and repeat. So, you need to repeat about 20 times.

The set of exercises includes:

  • squats with tension of the gluteal muscles,
  • touch the ground with each knee in turn from a semi-squatting position,
  • raise the pelvis, lie on your back,
  • squeeze a small ball between the legs while sitting on a chair,
  • raise and spread your legs, lying on your back,
  • training bike,
  • lift and turn from side to side with bent legs, lying on your back.

This small set of exercises, when performed regularly, pumps the femoral muscles well and prevents the development of stagnant processes.

Patients on the treatment of folk remedies

Often, additional treatment with herbs and other plant components is effective, as it helps to increase immunity. And this is especially important when a doctor prescribes antibiotics for prostate treatment. A patient with high immunity copes with the disease faster and treatment costs fewer doses of drugs than a person with a weakened body. This is confirmed by reviews of patients who used not only pills for the treatment of prostatitis, but also folk remedies and therapeutic exercises.